Ungewöhnlich, Besonders oder Krank? Ein kritischer Blick auf den
Krankheitsbegriff (Unusual, Special, or Ill? A Critical Glance at the Concept of Illness)
denXte -evening with Prof. Gottfried Vosgerau, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Co-Host with Berit Weiß, 23 January 2025
Wissenschaftskommunikation und wenn ja wie? (Science Communication / Public Philosophy: Why, and if so, How?)
episode 186 of Analytischer
Kaffeeplausch (Analytical Coffee Chat)
conversation with co-hosts Rebecca and Paul, 19 January 2025
Willensfreiheit (Freedom of Will)
episode 10 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen
Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical questions") Co-Host with Dr. Deborah Mühlebach, 19 December 2024
Der Gottesbeweis der Klassischen Logik (A Proof of God in Classical Logic)
short talk at "Echt oder Fake?" ("Real or
Fake?"), Düsseldorf, 6 December 2024
Kulturelle Aneignung (Cultural Appropriation)
episode 9 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen
Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical questions") Co-Host with Dr. Deborah Mühlebach, 28 November 2024
Identität (Identity) episode 8 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical
questions") Co-Host with Dr. Deborah Mühlebach, 31 October
Trailer for season 3 ofmitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical
questions") Co-Host with Dr. Deborah Mühlebach,
10 October 2024
mitgedacht (roughly, "thinking together")
episode 70 of the podcast Audiodidakten
conversation with co-hosts Marius und Simon, 20 January 2024
Was sind Argumente? (What are Arguments?)
episode 3 of Geister - der Philosophie-Podcast (Spirits - The Philosophy
conversation with host Christian Eichler, 24 December 2023
Existenz des Universums (Existence of the Universe)
episode 7 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen
Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical questions") Co-Host with Dr. Tanja Rechnitzer, 7 December 2023
Was ich noch
sagen wollte. PhilPublica stellt vor
Interview at PhilPublica.de , 23 November 2023
KI in Behörden (AI in Administration)
episode 6 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen
Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical questions") Co-Host with Dr. Tanja Rechnitzer, 9 November 2023
Argumentieren in der
Schule (Argumentation in Secondary Schools)
episode 130 of Analytischer
Kaffeeplausch (Analytical Coffee Chat)
conversation with co-hosts Rebecca and Paul, 5 November 2023
Sprechkontakte Talk zum Projekt
"Argumentieren in der Schule" (Conversation about the Project "Argumentation in Secondary Schools")
show Softskills at Hochschulradio Düsseldorf
conversation with host Marita Pabst-Weinschenk, 2 November 2023
Sich sicher sein (Being Sure)
episode 5 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen
Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical questions") Co-Host with Dr. Tanja Rechnitzer, 12 October 2023
Trailer for season 2 ofmitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical
questions") Co-Host with Dr. Tanja Rechnitzer, 21
September 2023
Eigentum (Property)
episode 4 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen
Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical questions")
Co-Host with Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr, 14 December 2022
Nachgefragt bei denXte
Interview at Wissenschaft im Dialog , with Christoph Sapp, Prof.
Markus Schrenk, and Berit Weiß, 13 December 2022
Transhumanismus (Transhumanism) episode 3 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your
philosophical questions")
Co-Host with Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr, 30 November 2022
Nachhaltigkeit (Sustainability)
episode 2 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen Fragen (roughly,
"thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical questions")
Co-Host with Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr, 16 November 2022
Liebe und Freundschaft (Love and Friendship) episode 1 of mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen Fragen (roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your
philosophical questions")
Co-Host with Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr, 2 November 2022
Philosophische Gedankenexperimente mit denXte
(Philosophical Thought Experiments with denXte)
Nacht der Wissenschaften ("Night of the Sciences") in
Düsseldorf , with Prof. Markus Schrenk, Christoph Sapp, David Niemann, and Julia Frese, 9 September 2022
Trailer for season 1 of
mitgedacht - der denXte Podcast zu Euren philosophischen Fragen (roughly, "thinking together -
the podcast about your philosophical questions")
Co-Host with Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr, 1 July 2022
Thought Experiment "Mary" Presentation at the
Communicator Award Ceremony 2022 for the Public Philosophy project "denXte" , with Prof. Markus
Schrenk, Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr, Julia Frese, Christoph Sapp, Berit Weiß, and David Niemann, 27 June 2022
Studierende im Dialog mit
Bürger*innen (Students in dialogue with citizens)
episode 4 of Sag, wie hältst Du's mit der
Lehre? (How do you feel about teaching? Tell me, pray)
conversation with host Hanna Hauch, 9 March 2022
Brauchen wir Prinzipien, um moralisch zu handeln? (Do we need principles to act
morally?)denXte -evening with Prof. Simone Dietz, Heinrich-Heine-Universität
Co-Host with Dr. Amrei Bahr, 19 May 2021
Einführung in die Argumentationstheorie (Introduction to argument analysis)
Workshop for the members of Christophorus Club e.V., Berlin, 12-20 January 2013
Abenteuer im Kopf. Gedankenexperimente zu personaler Identität
(Adventures in your head. Thought experiments on personal identity)
Workshop for schoolgirls at the Girls' Day at Freie Universität Berlin, 26 April 2012
Logik-Quiz (logic quiz)
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (Long Night of the Sciences) at the Department of Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin, with Nadine Dubois and Sebastian Cacean, 13 June 2009
Logik-Quiz (logic quiz)
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (Long Night of the Sciences) at the Department of Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin, with Gregor Betz and Sebastian Cacean, 9 June
Logik-Quiz (logic quiz)
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (Long Night of the Sciences) at the Department of Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin, with Anna Wehofsits and Gregor Betz, 13 May 2006