mitgedacht - der denXte-Podcast zu Euren philosophischen Fragen (since 2021
(roughly, "thinking together - the podcast about your philosophical questions")
Stabsstelle Bürgeruniversität der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
creator, coordinator and co-host, as part of the team of the interactive public philosophy project "denXte"
Network "Argumentieren in der
Schule" (since 2019)
(Argumentation in Secondary Schools)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (2019-2024), still active
Past Projects
Angewandte Logikdidaktik (2021-2022)
(Applied Teaching and Learning of Logic)
eLearning-Förderfonds der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Frege-Zertifikat für Logik (2019-2021)
(Frege Certificate in Logic)
Teaching Cooperation for Interdisciplinary Studies in Logic, with Prof. Martin Mundhenk (Computer Science) and Dr. Tabea Rohr
Integrative Argumentationsdidaktik (2018-2019)
(Integrative Teaching and Learning of Argumentation)
Akademie für Lehrentwicklung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, with Dr. Peggy H. Breitenstein